5 ½ X 8 ½ Card Stock
Scor-Pal or Bond Folder
Step 1 Place vertically in your personal trimmer at 2 inches. Cut a slit from 2 1/8″ to 7 1/2″.
Step 2 Use your scoring blade or Scor-Pal, place the CS horizontally with slit down.
From the top to the slit, score at 2 1/8″ (this will be the dot on your Scor-pal).
the entire card at 4 1/4 ”
Step 3 Score from the top to the slit at 5 3/8. If using the Scor-Pal, move the left edge to 1″ and score at the 6 3/8″ dot, then move the CS back to the edge for the next 2 scores.
Score from the top edge to the slit at 6 1/2″ and 7 1/2 “.
Step 4. Accordian fold the card as shown. The 4 1/4″ score will be mountain folded at the narrow part, and valley folded at the wide part.
Decorate with stickers as shown in picture or use stamps.